Monday, 16 January 2012

React well

There are always going to be people around us who get on our nerves, annoy us, upset us and make us mad. There are definitely people in my life who make me feel all of the above in about a thirty second time span! My problem is that I can get wound up, frustrated and angry quite easily. Not immediately but if someone is persistently trying to push my buttons then it won't take long for me to snap! This isn't a good quality to have and it's something I've prayed about and felt convicted on quite a lot and it will work for maybe an hour or two but then I'll revert back to getting frustrated and angry.

I was praying about it last night in fact and was at the point of going 'well God what else can I do?! It's a natural reaction!' And into my head popped the words 'Jesus said nothing'

When Jesus was being tried before Pilate with false accusations being hurled at him, for a decision that would decide whether he lived or died, he said nothing!

'Then the high priest stood up and said to Jesus, “Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you?” But Jesus remained silent.... When he was accused by the chief priests and the elders, he gave no answer. Then Pilate asked him, “Don’t you hear the testimony they are bringing against you?” But Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge—to the great amazement of the governor.' Matthew 26:62-63 and 27:12-14

I think most of the time the hardest response for us to give is silence. We automatically want to express our anger/hurt/frustration somehow be it through shouting, sarcasm, being rude, or doing something like storming out the room. Our reaction is very rarely to stay put and say nothing, yet that's precisely what Jesus did. And actually I think that's the best way for us to demonstrate love to that person. It's the reaction they don't expect, and maybe through it they will change what they are doing and the way they act but if not we are still showing them God's love and that's all he asks of us.

'Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone - especially those in the family of faith' Galatians 6:10

This verse just sums up what I've already said. We need to do good to everyone, no matter how they treat us or make us feel because that's the real test of character. It won't be easy, it goes against human nature and what the world teaches and I know I can pretty much guarantee that I will fail once in a while, but hopefully I'll succeed more often than I fail with God's help! 

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Reasons to be cheerful... 2012, week 2!

Well it's that time of week again, not sure how it comes round so fast! Here are this weeks reasons to be cheerful

1. I had lovely skype times wit Becca
I've met a lot of lovely people through the Association of Young People with M.E (AYME) and Becca is one of them. By met I mean virtually :) Don't we look lovely!

2. I had a great day with my friend Louise yesterday
I went over to help her practice for her blood pressure OSCE and we did a lot more talking and laughing than practising! In the afternoon we went and got fishy pedicures and then she came back to mine and we had food, hot chocolate and watched girly films :)

3. I managed to walk a little further today!
Ok so it was all of 5 steps further but it was still further! I'm trying to increase my mobility but it's a very slow process and can be very frustrating at times so today felt like an achievement :)

Hop over to see Michelle over at Mummy From The Heart to see more reasons to be cheerful!  

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Reasons to be cheerful... 2012!

The first R2BC of 2012! My aim this year is to join in with as many as I can (hopefully all of them!)

1. It's 2012! 
This year is going to be better than last year, I'm determined. My aim is to go back to uni, and get better than I am now (hopefully completely better!)  but whether or not those two things happen, my aim is to just follow God's plan :) 

2. Had a lovely Christmas and New Year with my family
I missed having Christmas with my family last year so it was nice to be with everyone this year. Had my Mum's parents over on Christmas day and then the rest of my Mum's side of the family joined us on boxing day. Spent New Year down south with my god parents plus my family :)

3. I went to the Wedding of two of my lovely friends
It was a really beautiful day and I'm so glad I got to go :)

Hop over to see Michelle at Mummy From The Heart to see other peoples reasons to be cheerful :)

Monday, 2 January 2012

Happy New Year!

My aim was to write this yesterday but I didn't manage it so it's almost a belated New Years wish!

I wanted this blog to be a way of looking back over 2011 and looking forward to 2012. But as I was thinking about 2011, all I could think about was how awful it had been! I spent a significant amount of time in bed, I end up paralysed, spent the summer in hospital, had to learn how to walk again, my relationship ended... I kind of had the 'woe is me' mentality going on, but the more I thought about it, the more positive things God brought to my mind, things that wouldn't have happened and lessons I wouldn't have learnt if I had been healthy.

So here are all the positives about 2011: I learnt how to walk again (yes I know I wouldn't have needed to do that if I hadn't lost the ability in the first place but it was still a big achievement!)
I had a fantastic birthday surround by my lovely friends!
I learnt to rely more on God and less on myself and I hope it's something I will learn more about going into 2012
God gave me a reason to smile everyday, no matter what else was going on
I had so much support from my amazing friends, and I made new ones too :)
My parents came back from India and I moved back home with them
I started recovering from M.E and can do a lot more now than I could earlier in the year!
I went to two lovely weddings of some amazing friends!

Ok so that wasn't all the positives, but it would take me a long time to list them all!

2011 was a roller coaster, and there were many challenging times, but through it all I discovered more of how faithful my God is, I learnt more about Him and experienced Him more and for that alone it was worth it!
So here is to 2012, a year that is hopefully filled with good health but most importantly more of God. My New Years resolution is to let God take control as I know it always works out better that way! :)

I'll leave you with a quote I saw on a friend's facebook status. "The New Year doesn't just bring around another year of life, but another day to follow in Jesus' footsteps and bask in God's love."

Happy New Year xx